Dear Author:

Please LOGIN: enter your username and password and click "Login". Then you can select "private page (User Panel)" on the right hand top corner (see the image below).

Now you can find your manuscript status listed under "Submissions Statistics". When you click on the status of your manuscript, the list of submitted articles will appear down the page (see the image below).

To see the reviewer comments click the icon below "Article Profile", go to "Review status" section and then click on the "View the review result". To revise your manuscript, please click on the "attachment" icon and attach your revised version of our journal format (pdf or rar file) .

- If you are unable to submit your review online, please contact us for assistance.

- If you forget your password: Please click "Reset Password".

- If you wish to change your username and password or update your personal details please login and click "Account settings" from the top menu.